Waku Waku Meet

We are progressing with our plans to add a physical activity “Waku Waku Festival”
to our event. We met with “Sports Hokkaido” to plan the booths that we will run in
the Perry Hiroba “Flare” area. We think you are going to have a very energetic time…


Festival Daigaku, Camera Class 2

Our series of educational courses on staging events continued with our second “Festival Daigaku” camera class. Professional shutter-man Emoto-san again shared the benefits of his knowledge. We will be trying to make even better albums of our event this year.


Staff Meet

So, six weeks to go until a record number of artists descend on Hakodate. We used our staff meeting to get through work like rolling posters and making bilingual profiles. In the picture below, you can see our “TOK” (“Transfer of Knowledge”) presentation of things that we learnt from running our Opening Live. We are looking forward to the main event in August!


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