Author Archives: Ian Frank

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Final Staff Meeting 2018: What Do You Hope For?

Final staff meeting for 2018 was busy! There was lots of logistics for new staff to remember… But many old hands are there to help out.
We used “wish balloons” to share our hopes for the event. How about you? What “new beginnings” do you hope for from WMDF this year? What “new beginnings” do you hope for over the next ten years?
We are all looking forward to a great festival…. with many more photo ops!

See you again!

The 10th WMDF finished at last.

Weathers weren’t so good. Thanks to Teru teru bozu for protecting us.

Of course, we have a lot more to say thank to.

First of all, thanks very much to all the artists who came to Hakodate having long flights.

Your performances which we usually can’t see in Hakodate were really fantastic.

Thanks to artists who came from all around Japan to weirdly cold Hakodate even in this mid-summer.

We enjoyed your unique performances, reunion at the stages in one year, funny MC, and so on.

We’re thankful to shop owners for offering us nice foods and drinks.

Without you, we couldn’t fully enjoy music and dance. Thanks to your foods, we could have kept energetic.

Thanks to booth staffs for making us have lots of fun with relaxation, workshops and various goods.

The cute goods and experiences we can’t have in everyday life made us excited physically but also mentally.

We’re so grateful to volunteer staffs for the support during the festival.
Your hard works really shape our WMDF. Not only artists, but also lots of people appreciate your help.

Finally, Thanks to every visitor for coming to Motomachi park.
Your will to enjoy WMDF and your power to make WMDF more lively helped us finish the 10th successfully.

As soon as we finish the 10th WMDF, we begin preparation for the next: 11th.

We hope to have a good festival with the support from visitors, artists, shop and booth owners, and volunteer staffs, next year too.

See you next year at Motomachi park again!

Final Day Beats

The final day on which we almost canceled.

The rain that fell just after we started made us quite anxious.

However, many people came to Motomachi park with umbrella or rain wear.
Thank you all very much!

Atlas stage seats were decorated with various, colorful umbrella and raincoats.
Visitors cheered us up to fight against rain.

The closer the night came, the more people came too. Roads were fully filled up!

Many shops had a long line before them constantly, so screams of joy rose simultaneously.

After having yummy foods, it’s time to enjoy performances!
Every stage got super energetic with the heats of visitors and artists.

But as stages moved on and as the park got lit up, we began to feel kind of sad.
Finally, the time to have closing ceremony had come…

Until then, we just had light rain.
As soon as we began the ceremony, suddenly rain got heavier and stronger.
It was like the rain represented our sorrow.

But no one, no visitors and no artists, cared about the rain nor got sad.
Because we’d enjoyed everything from the beginning to the very final performances.
The 10th WMDF finished with dances and cheers.

The lights of lanterns at the park would lead us to the next WMDF.

Please look forward to the next year.
I hope you all will have good days until then!

Thank you very much, everyone.

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