The Opening Live of this year’s WMDF is on Thu 6th & Fri 7th June:
- Kumonosu Quartet
- Zahatorte
- Hinokiya
Kumonosu Quartet have appeared once at WMDF 002, and we have since been told by many people that they wanted to see more. Here is an example of their work on Youtube:
The above video will show you where the “Cat” theme of the OLT comes from…. More info on Kumonosu at their HP:
Next, we called on Zahatorte, who appeared att WMDF 004 & 005, where many people compared them to Kumonosu Quartet. Take a look at their performance of “Merry Go Round” on YouTube:
Zahatorte intersperse their numbers with comedy and magic corners, and appear to be performing with far more than 3 people on stage. Check out their site:
Hinokiya are our regulars, and WMDF implementers. You can see their digest on YouTube:
The OLT will feature performances at the Small Hall of the Citizens’ Hall and at the Exhibition Room on the same floor.
6 June (Thu)
18:30 Hinokiya(Small Hall)、Zahatorte(Exhibition Room )
20:10 Kumonosu Quartet(Small Hall)、Zahatorte(Exhibition Room)
7 June (Fri)
18:30 Hinokiya(Small Hall)、Kumonosu Quartet(Exhibition Room)
20:00 Zahatorte(Small Hall)、Kumonosu Quartet(Exhibition Room)
There will also be food and drinks booths.
Cost of tickets is 2,000Yen for a one-day ticket (pair tickets are 3,800Yen), JHS to University students are 1,000Yen, and Elementary school students are free when accompanied by adults.
Tickets on the day are 200Yen more expensive, and since there is a strong chance of a sellout, we recommend buying early.
Tickets can be pre-bought at the Citizens’ Concert Hall, as well as other locations around town, including the Harmony Hall in Goryokaku and Cafe Drip Drop on the 1st floor of the Machi-Tsukuri Center. Or buy from Lawson Tickets, L Code 14862.
Enquiries by phone: Hiticocochi@ 0138-51-5727.
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