The sixth international edition of Hakodate’s World Music and Dance Festival, “WMDF 006″, is gearing up. The main festival will be held from Aug 4-11, but the “pre-event” for 2013 is a party where you can sample beers and cocktails from around the world. It is a “Worlds Meet Bar” where you can encounter many different people and ideas.
We have beers from Portugal, India, Russia, and Czechoslovakia plus cocktails from everywhere! It is a great way to socialise, to have a great time, and to discover something more about the ideas and the philosophy behind WMDF. Hakodate is having a long winter, but the party will be set to summer time, so break out the Hawaiian shirts and shorts!
Entry is free, and all drinks are 500 yen. There is a kids area and lots to do. There is live music too. For a taster, see
Especially, the party is an opportunity for new staff. If you have some interest in WMDF, then come along and enjoy, talk to new people, and meet new worlds.
There is more information (Japanese) at these links, including where you can buy pre-order tickets that give you discounts and special rewards (these are also available from WMDF staff):
「Worlds Meet Bar」
Date: Apr 7 2013, 17:00〜20:00 (Sun)
Venue:Machi-Tsukuri Center, 2F Free Space (Suehiro-cho 4-19)
Venue HP: Map :