Gemini Front Row

Farewell to 2019’s new stage.

Gemini became a great place to enjoy performances within a meter of the artists.


Already our audience pick out their seats early.

Yui George’s fans were rewarded on this last day.

Please enjoy to the end.

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Last night, we sold the final Whole Week Sponsor Passes.

A special thanks.


There are 999 passes every year.

We think buying early is good.

Kids, they go free.


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Day6 Is Here and Is Not

Motomachi Park fills more and more.

At the startthe weather remains uneasy.

The clouds become thinner and the wind feels weaker.

A new style from the Philippines.

The audience cheer on the acrobatic skills of brave men.

Supported by female dancers. Supple to the fingertips.


Does a story stir your imagination?

You are still here. You are touching the real. But you are not.

The talk and techniques are rolled out. One after another.


Tomorrow is the last day.


But lonely…

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