Thanks To All!

The final 2018 groups have returned home by train, plane, ferry, bus and more. Thanks to them and everyone else for their part in this year’s meeting of worlds in Motomachi Park.


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Last Chance To See

Day 6 was full of new stages, new performances, and new experiences.


Overseas artists have also been enjoying their Japan experiences to the full.

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There is just one more day, last day, final day for you to get to Motomachi Park in the sunshine. We are looking forward to meeting you, and the world, there!

Delivering The Message

If you are somewhere in Japan and you want to experience the world, you don’t have to travel overseas. You just have to get yourself to our festival site sometime between Aug 5-11! We don’t just use “Worlds Meet” as our catch copy… We bring you what we say.

Does the world itself know enough about our festival? No!

A big shout out to all the people who help us spread the word. All the staff who run around town with posters and fliers, all the people who are adding a “#wmdf” on social media posts, and all the artists, audience, staff, booth owners and townspeople who say great things about our events to everyone they know.

Then there are the media professionals. Here is FM Iruka’s Live Main Atlas Stage Broadcast Booth on Day 5:


And the latest sample from Hakodate’s print media.

Finally thanks to all the artists, audience, and staff for answering the questions of our WMDF interviewers. So many voices to be heard!

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