Author Archives: Secretariat

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“Worlds Meet Japan”

As you can see from the footer of our web pages, WMDF is an activity of a non-profit “General Incorporated Association” (GIA). We announced the formation of our association back in March 2010. Here is an example of an English description of what GIAs are.

After this year’s WMDF, we took the chance to rename our GIA. It is now called “Worlds Meet Japan”.

WMDF has long had “Worlds Meet in Japan” as part of its catch copy. Our GIA now borrows this, so that the naming reflects a goal  rather than just the name of our main event. The name also fits our gradually expanding circle of non-WMDF activities, such as the “Worlds Meet Cafe” that we have run as one-off events.

This year saw the total WMDF audience over five years pass 100,000 and the total number of artists exceed 750, so we are confident that we are meeting the target of bringing different worlds together. The Worlds Meet Japan GIA will be working yet more creatively to increase our contributions, especially targeting different worlds of thought: the “Long Now” theme that we chose for WMDF requires people to deeply challenge the culture of the moment.


・まずは泣く子も黙る『ジーニアス和英辞典』第2版。最新で美品ですよー! ゆえあって出品します…。
・つぎに、ESL(英語が第2外国語)の人向け教材『Getting it Together』Book 1 & 2。「カナダの人はこうやって、英語を学んでるんだー」ってことが分かります。
・コミック『SIMPSONS』STRIKE BACK!。カナダ直輸入。世界共通の楽しさ。

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