Category Archives: 2019-wmdf012

Fourth Artists Announcement

Another addition to our lineup.

The festival secured access to a long-term dream space in  the center of the park. We straight away found an installation artist to bring a completely new experience to the event. 


■ In-Japan artist

Tokachi「Ambient Flow」Dates: Entire festival, interactive from 19:00-21:00Ambientflow_photo01



Thank you for coming to WMB early summer!

World Meet Bar of this year was excellent! This event is held every June or July as a pre-event of WMDF.

iOS の画像 (7)Thank you for coming to WMB.

We were afraid bad weather might come, but we escaped. We made tent front of entrance and we enjoyed drinking there. It was great time!

We made our third artists announcement, to build excitement of event for this year.

2019 will see artists from Algeria and Argentina for the first time.

Please feel our theme “World meet in Japan”.

iOS の画像 (1)   iOS の画像 (6)

iOS の画像

iOS の画像 (3)


Third Artists Announcement

Announced in J to coincide with June 16th’s “Worlds Meet Bar” even

 International Artists

Lithuania「Folk Trio」Dates: 5-11, with days offRenatos Drukteinytės (11)

- Slovakia「Folk Music Band Rendošovci」Dates: 5-11, with days off

- USA「Brian Hulse」Dates: 5-11, with days offD09T2234


■ In-Japan Artists

【Street Peformers】

- Tokyo「Clown Rio」Dates: Aug 6-11

Look for details on our artists pages

 First and second artists announcements (J) below ↓↓↓



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