Category Archives: 2014, WMDF 007

Last Staff Meet

We went around the local Motomachi Park households to warn them of the noise coming over the next ten days, and made final plans. We hope that this 7th year will be very lucky for us!


First Artists Arrive

WMDF 007 is underway. International Community Artists “Toozalii” arrived in Hakodate, and will carry out workshops before and during the main event, as well as covering everything with amazing flags! This is your chance to draw a design that will be displayed across the world. We are looking forward to an amazing couple of weeks!


WMDF 007 Park Layout and Schedule Announcement


Thank to all their support of WMDF. We have now published the final event layout map of Motomachi park and running schedule for WMDF 007. You can download a pdf by clicking the above picture or by downloading from the Events page. You are free to save as a data file or to print. Please notice that WMDF reserves the right to change details without notice.

Also, we regret to announce a couple of overseas group cancellations. “Toques do Caramulo” from Portugal and “El Sharkia Folk Troupe” from Egypt will finally not be able to attend WMDF 007. WMDF does its very best to work with its overseas collaborators every year, but please accept that sometimes problems will be inevitable. We are still looking forward to a bumper event in August!.

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