Until Next Year

WMDF closed for 2016 after 7 hot days in Motomachi Park. Thanks to all. We set a high bar to jump for next year’s tenth anniversary, but book your schedules now! We are planning something special. August 5 to August 11, 2017.


Atlas stage held our Closing Finale, with representatives of groups and a few words from event organisers.


On Bunda, we ran our “Dance to Next Year’s Success” to represent our hope that this year’s memories  will stay in peoples’ hearts until we meet again.


The stages in the park are now gone, but the worlds that we encountered will resonate..KANE0778-1200

Photos by Glaretone  (http://www.glaretone.com/)

Day 7: Final Day Opens!

The gates are open, the sky is blue, the temperature is hot, and the park is filling up. Don’t miss this last chance to become one of the 30,000 to meet new worlds in Motomachi Park this summer!


Day 6: Biggest Crowd Yet

We filled the park! Thanks to all. There were many, many highlights, but to pick just a couple, check out these pictures of the East and West meeting of worlds on Atlas stage and the crowd being wowed by BhogiYogi Ananda  Express on Bunda stage. There is a chance to catch both acts again on the final day, so celebrate Japan’s first “Yaman no Hi” (Mountain Day) national holiday with us on Hakodate Yama.



WMDF also took its first step into the world of Virtual Reality. At the entrance of the park there is  a corner where audience members can experience a video tour of our entire park, and see a full 360 degrees both left and right and up and down as they go along. Why not come down for the  closing day to try it out? Last call, last call, this is the  final chance this year…


Photos by Glaretone  (http://www.glaretone.com/)

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