Author Archives: Ian Frank

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Day 5: A fresh breeze


After last year’s double-typhoon hit, this year we were lucky to just catch the edge of Typhoon #5. bringing some welcome cooling winds, and even making the evening feel chilly for the first time.

“Crowds” is not what you usually associate with a Tuesday night in Hakodate. but we sold more One Day passes than on any other day this year. Thanks to all!

One reason was the slew of new groups  and street performers we welcomed, with the Hatch Hatchell Orchestra and Zahatorte headlining the main stage. So, the second half of the festival is under way in style… Join us for two more days of sun, blue skies, and new worlds to meet in Motomachi Park.



Photos by Glaretone  (

Day4: Hot!


This was our “nakabi”: the “middle day”, with three days gone and three days to go. Maybe the record 33 degree temperatures have affected us, but we marked the day with our first Street Performers’ Parade, creating a combination of talents we are sure has never been seen before!

For the second half of the festival a whole new raft of street performers will be wowing Motomachi Park, so make a space in your schedule.

The main Atlas stage in Motomachi Park was closed in style by Senegalese-Tokyo collaboration Afro Begue. It’s not just the temperatures that are rising this year… Our dance fans were pulled onto the stage to give them an experience to remember.Three more days: what new worlds will you meet? 元町公園で世界にに出会う!


Photos by Glaretone  (

Day 3: WakuFes closes with Sweets Shower


The Waku Waku festival ran for two days in the heat, so great exercise was had by all. It was closed by the Festival Director and Artistic Director throwing sweets over the crowd below. The way the forecast is looking, this may be the only shower at our event!

We also had our first parade of the year, with the marching band from Calw winding through the crowds at the Atlas area. On Monday, we have  a street performers’ parade that also features a host of our other resident entertainers. It starts at 16:25, so hurry down to the Park.


We are collecting audience feedback towards creating a bumper tenth anniversary, so if you are in the park, please write on one of the cards at the WMDF shop. We keep all the suggestions, and select some to display at the park gate. Try your hand at something artistic to get your name displayed! If you are not in the park, please use our feedback page.


Photos by Glaretone  (

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